Welcome to Pelagic Autopilot. Call or email us with any questions!

About Pelagic


s/v Red Sky – Development Platform for Autopilot testing – Lands End, San Francisco, Ca, Single Handed Trans Pacific Race 2016

Pelagic Autopilot is a group of dedicated sailors & engineers, developing autopilot solutions for the blue water cruiser, solo sailor, and racer. Pelagic systems have been tested in races and voyages around the globe.

Our testing grounds are the Pacific Coastal races, and our philosophy is to provide simple, self-contained products, requiring no connection to proprietary data networks. The Pelagic autopilot uses the latest sensor and computer technologies to hold a course through the most difficult conditions. 

In January 2019, Pelagic Autopilot was acquired by Scanmar International, Inc., best known for manufacturing the Monitor windvane.

We are based in San Leandro, CA and can be reached by phone at 510-215-2010 or email at scanmar@selfsteer.com.