Pelagic Autopilot news: Practical Sailor gives Pelagic Best Choice award and 59° North Sailing has installed Pelagic onboard their Farr 65, FALKEN and Swan 48, ISJBORN!

We are happy to be sponsoring @RonnieSimpson on his Open 50 Shipyard Brewing

We are happy to be sponsoring @RonnieSimpson on his Open 50 Shipyard Brewing (formerly Sparrow)for the singlehanded @GlobalSoloChallenge race starting October 28th 2023! Ronnie is on his way sailing across the Atlantic to the starting line in A Coruña, Spain and will have Pelagic Autopilots on board for the race with both the Pelagic heavy and standard tiller actuators to cover all conditions. The heavy one will be for storm situations and the standard will be for normal conditions. Join us in supporting him by contributing to his campaign as he is still prepping his boat and the list of gear and supplies needed is long!